Sunday, September 12, 2010

Up for air

Round 5 seemed to take forever to get over. The nausea dragged on and I battled with fatigue. Getting up the few stairs from the front door to the front gate was challenging and alarming for one accustomed to robust mountain walks. While I know that each round will be more difficult to tolerate, it is difficult to accept.

Having James home was a great tonic. He had a huge amount of work to do for 2 tests next week and managed to do several good days of work, with some happy family meals interspersed. He is wonderfully supportive and has intuitive gentleness and kindness, which got us through the muddy patch. My mother hen instinct was at the fore and anyone listening carefully would definitely have heard a little cluck from me, once I had all my chicks around the table! What more could I ask for?

Nicola started her new job in the Africa Division of Standard Bank on Tuesday, amidst great excitement of buying proper work clothes and shoes (high heeled; she had to practise walking in them and was seen in them with her spotty pink pyjamas!). She seems to have found the place where she can combine her passion for social business with good career opportunities and training. We are well aware how lucky she is to find a fabulous job in this precarious economic climate.

Ali has gone off on a leadership camp for the weekend. He's reading some of his work at the SACCEE Creative Writing Prizegiving on Wednesday evening and it's his 17th birthday on Thursday. The house is very quiet without the boys today.

Our 60 boxes of stuff arrived from CT on Thursday, so I have my work cut out for the next while. Chaos has erupted and while we were delighted to see all our books again, the rest should probably have remained in boxes. Worldly goods can be such a nuisance.

I'm toying with the idea of delaying the next treatment by a week for several reasons and will need to consult with the powers that be to see if this will be a viable option. We all need a break from the gruelling 3 week routine. The idea of an extra week off feels like a holiday coming up. The Becks have generously allowed us to go to their house on the Lunsklip River near Dullstroom for the weekend, so we'll be off on Friday with a couple of Ali's friends. The breaks are excellent medicine.

We seem to be balancing optimism, hope and realism relatively well.


  1. Glad you came up for air darling woman! Beautiful fresh spring air is the best and I am sure you are surrounded by its sweet scents.

    Good on Nicola - power woman in those heels!! Please congratulate her for me - what a coup! Hey I'm not surprised. Such a remarkable young woman. You must be so proud.

    Park those boxes and pack the overnight bag for Dullstroom - how lovely. Ben and Fi looked like new when they came back from Sydney last night - as you say, such a tonic.

    Henry is calling for an afternoon walk -I've been with Ben at the hosp for his biopsy today - so we better get out into the freesia scented air!

    Lots of love Margi.


  2. Its amazing to read your beautiful prose, and remind ourselves that you are struggling through all of this. Such an inspiration! But as you seem to imply, such experiences can help us transcend the worldly, mundane...and put all of life's clutter into perspective. We were at King Henry's Mound recently in Richmond Park - we'd love to take you there some time - its an uninterrupted view of St' Paul's Cathedral through the finely sculpted foliage of the trees in the park, across London - it takes one's breath away. It's such an incredibly powerful symbol of keeping the focus, despite the distraction/challenges/pitfalls of life. Our continued prayer is that you can keep yours in the face of all of this wretched suffering.

    It's so wonderful that you have your support team around you, and what a privilege I am sure for them to be loving you at this time.
    James is 1 today - we're celebrating hugely, after our own difficult year, that too has been interspersed with unspeakable joys.
    We'll have a drink for you and your health, and for your precious family,
    All our love
    Stu, Thand and the birthday boyxxx

  3. Margi - it was heaven on a stick to have such a lovely long chat to you last night. You are on fine form - as ever. Get that chemo over and done with and come and visit us in London soonest. Lots of love, Fiona and Georgie
